A golden Certificate of Business Reliability for ASA

We are glad to inform our clients and contractors that ASA was awarded a Certificate of Business Reliability.

A Certificate of Business Reliability is awarded by Bisnode Dun&Bradstreet, an independent international business information provider, to those companies which achieved very good financial results in the last financial year and which have an excellent payment morality index.

ASA was awarded the Certificate on the basis of financial data of 2013. The assessment of the Company’s reliability and stability was based upon:

•an analysis of payment morality according to the Bisnode International Payment Monitor programme

•an analysis of financial indexes of the recent available financial reports

•the largest Polish relational database of corporate and personal relations

This distinction proves that ASA has a very good financial health and liquidity, and that we are a loyal business partner and we conduct our business activities in an ethical manner.

A Certificate of Business Reliability is yet another important flagship of the Company and a clear signal for both the current and potential contractors that ASA is a trustworthy business partner. The Certificate of Business Reliability granted to ASA is a confirmation of:

timely repayment of all debts,

good financial indexes,

being a solid and long-term business partner.

Download the letter of congratulation


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